Sunday, 3 July 2011

Early, like a Sunday morning...


10am, 120 miles and one big breakfast later. A summer Sunday morning in Britain, grabbed by all four tyres..

Best place in the world England on a clear summer morning...and 5.30am is a good time to be strapping in to the 7, it means I can be out there and be part of it. Blue sky adds a certain promise to the day for everyone, and, to a certain few, it guarantees a good morning before most of the country has even stirred. So, it's kind of 'ours' in a way...daft huh? But it is what get's us 'up and out' like no work day will! 

It was cool out there, a  'three layer' morning, but even the early sun had heat in it. There's a sense of an event about the whole thing...what, just driving about in a car? Well, yes. But not just any car is it? It's only half a car for starters, which adds a certain involvement. It's the flip side of the week, the opposite of the commute, the do and complete. It's the 'here's the plan - this is what we're doing, this is where we're going and this is when it's finished'. So, a beginning a middle and an end , not often that process gets to run through in many things we do these days....And with chapters of events, fun, fear, anger and food all thrown in for the ingredients of a good book or film or, in this case, a drive in a little car. So, yeah, an event.

Sun up: Time to get up and top up! 

Empty roads to empty your mind...

Hand signals to the empty minded....

Poor Bambi's mind...all over the road.

The breakfast reward, venison sausages?

Blue sky, loud exhaust and 12,000 revs... Qwaig was giving rides today in  his BEC. 
Show off!


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