Saturday, 4 May 2013

Stand to!

New recruit on deck! 

Out with the old and in with the new: Original Superlight, 2000 vintage, carbon on all corners and nose.I look forward to the comparisons on the road with the other Superlights in the Sunrisers. Seems like a great car already, just need to trust the Dedion rear set up, not used to that compliant ride after years of a live axle.The Caterham guys stitched a good package together that included the Brooklands screens and the swap out of the inertia reel seat belts that it had! Really? A Seven with lap belts? How the freek did the occupants stay in the thing? I suspect its been subject to light exercise only judging by the condition....well that's gonna change.

Screen, doors,'s been an easy life so far.

Within an hour of being on the drive back home , the screen, doors, wipers, wiper motor, spindles, and wiper electrics were also on the drive, with the help of Ian H keen to see another Superlight achieve its optimum weight loss. The new configuration was complete by the next day. 

 Chrome and black...but mostly black! 

So, just needs some driving now right? You betcha! (Lap belts FFS!)

(Thanks to Ian 'Fisheye' Hayward for the research and nods in the right direction during the past few weeks picking through the minefield of 'K and carbon' schpeak! Cheers.) 


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